— Becoming a Member of the Ruskin Art Club —
As Los Angeles’s oldest arts association, the Ruskin Art Club is committed to promoting cultural, arts, and events of public interest that reflect and showcase the rich tradition and diversity of our city—past and present. Inspired by the writings of John Ruskin and like-minded thinkers, we are committed to teaching—and learning ourselves—how the arts relate to the whole of life, including questions of economic and social justice, the celebration of nature, and the protection of the environment. We are committed to building alliances with other local institutions, including other historic associations, museums, universities, foundations and secular and religious institutes that share the broad range of the Ruskin Art Club’s interests.
Please join in promoting the vision and programs of the Ruskin Art Club through an Individual, Family, or Patron annual membership or by becoming a Life time Member.
Individual: $75 per year.
Family: $100 per year.
Entitles members to attend the annual calendar of Ruskin Art Club programs free of charge. On joining, members also receive two handsome booklets: “The History of the Ruskin Art Club” by Joseph Ryan and the essay “Why We Need Ruskin” by Gabriel Meyer Members also receive each year a copy of the annual “Ruskin” Lecture published by the Club and an annual membership card signed by the Ruskin Art Club president. In addition, the Club hosts a special members-only social event each year.
Students & Persons on Fixed incomes:
Basic Membership, with all its benefits, is also available to students and persons on a fixed income at a reduced rate of $40 per year.
Individual: $150 per year.
Family: $200 per year.
The Ruskin Circle is for those who wish to be more actively engaged in the Ruskin Art Club’s mission to explore the connections between John Ruskin’s challenging artistic and social vision and the issues of our time.
Ruskin Circle Members are entitled to all the benefits of basic membership. The Ruskin Circle meets informally in salon-like settings outside the framework of the annual calendar of events and programs. The Club hosts a special Ruskin Circle member reception each year.
One-Time Fee of $1000.
This is for those wishing to be more intimately involved with the support of the Ruskin Art Club’s work and mission.
This one-time contribution entitles Life Members to all the benefits of basic membership, as well as those associated with the Ruskin Circle.
Life Members are welcome to attend all the club’s social events each year, and are also invited to attend the annual meeting of the board of directors, if they wish, to offer suggestions and input to the decision-making process.
Thank you for your interest in the historic Ruskin Art Club. We look forward to seeing you at our annual season of lectures, symposia, concerts, readings, workshops and social activities.
You are alternatively welcome to mail in your membership application. Click the below links to download the document, print it, fill it out, and mail it with payment to the Ruskin Art Club
Members receive a collectible edition of the Annual Ruskin Lecture in print during their year of membership. Membership privileges for programs and events include free or reduced admission fees at RAC-sponsored events. On first joining, members receive the booklets: ”Why We Need Ruskin,” by Gabriel Meyer, and “The History of the Ruskin Art Club,” by Joseph Ryan. Membership dues are payable annually on October 1, at the commencement of the annual season. New members joining after April 1 do not pay dues again until October 1 of the following year. As a tax exempt 501c(3) non-profit corporation, your contributions to the Ruskin Art Club are tax deductible to the full extent of the law.