"Spray of Dead Oak Leaves," John Ruskin (1879)
In a complex world THE ELEMENTS OF DRAWING, Ruskin’s lessons on how to draw, hold valuable lessons about what it is to be human, engaging us with the natural world and principles of creativity that can help us live in a more connected way. This lecture explores how, in truly seeing stones and leaves and landscapes, we can find them reflected in the patterns of our own lives.
Sarah woods
SARAH WOODS is an award-winning playwright and creative systems thinker. She’s founder of Artists In Exile, supporting artists to find refuge in the UK, a Visiting Researcher at the Centre for Existential Risk at the University of Cambridge and currently Fullbright Scholar in Residence at The University of Arkansas at Monticello.
Join us in person at the Denenberg Fine Arts 417 N San Vicente Blvd. Los Angeles 90048 or virtually!