John Ruskin (1819-1900), Amboise, c 1840, Watercolor and white heightening on paper, 15 x 11 1/4 inches
Stuart Denenberg (Denenberg Fine Arts, West Hollywood) recently acquired a striking watercolor sketch attributed to Ruskin (1840) of the castle at Amboise. The drawing, long attributed to Turner, is now reliably believed to be a “lost” early Ruskin preparatory sketch, executed in the style of Ruskin’s aesthetic hero, J.M.W. Turner. A later more finished version accompanied the publication of Ruskin’s poem, “The Broken Chain.” Stuart will describe the provenance of the drawing as well as review the work of scholars, such as Stephen Wildman, who have studied it. Stuart will also treat us to a look at two original 19th-century photographs of Ruskin and Dante Gabriel Rossetti and another of William Morris in his collection. A rare chance to see these exciting discoveries!
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